Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Personality Type

Twice in one day! You guys should consider yourselves lucky ;)

It's only just another quiz though that I just took on facebook. Reading through the results some of what it said sounded like me, so I thought I'd post.

Idealist Healer

You are introspective, cooperative, informative, and attentive. Your tranquil and reserved exterior masks a passionate inner life. You care deeply about causes that interest you and often pursue those causes with selfless devotion. You are highly compassionate and empathetic to the needs of others, seeking to bring peace, health, and integrity to your companions and to society at large. You want to heal the problems that trouble individuals and correct the conflicts that divide social groups.

You tend to be private and have a strong sense of right and wrong and an idealistic worldview. You are deeply committed to things that are positive or good and are inspired to make extraordinary sacrifices in attempts to achieve your ideals. You are prone to errors of fact as you follow your feelings more than you follow logical analysis. However, following your feelings also means that you seldom make errors of feeling.

You were often misunderstood as a child. In practical minded families, your devotion to idealism may be frowned upon and even punished. Most other role variants can shrug off the parental expectations that don't fit them, but you are greatly affected by it. You want to please your parents and siblings and, in attempt to do this, you may mask or hide your differences. This can create inner turmoil within yourself. You are often better at detecting this inner turmoil than other role variants. You seek unity of mind, body and spirit, perhaps because of the inner turmoil caused during your upbringing.

You are adaptable, patient with complicated situations, and welcoming of new ideas and information. You are impatient with routine details. As you are aware of people's feelings, you relate well with others. You are also comfortable working alone given your private nature.

Famous Healers include Richard Gere, Princess Diana, and Audrey Hepburn.

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