So I couldn't go very far without talking about one of my favorite subjects, music. I am constantly listening to music; whether it be in my head, in thecar, or when I'm at home. For a long time I didn't have a favorite band, I just listened to whatever happened to be on the popular radio stations. Then I found out the name of a band whose songs I had liked years before but never knew who they were. That band was No Doubt. Since then I have become a major fan and when I get the chance I try to get my friends into No Doubt's amazing music. So here is some for those who may not know much about the Orange County band.
I am Brittney and this is my blog. I hope that it is something that people enjoy and is amusing when it is meant to be. Expect the unexpected because I do not have a plan that is set in stone yet but I have some pretty cool ideas. Thanks for viewing my blog. :)
Love love LOVE it!